Characters and Stories

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Characters and Stories

Postby Maxine MagicFox » Sat Sep 25, 2010 1:08 am

So, :3 one of the main fun things about the game is that we get to make up our own characters and our own stories.

While keeping the spoiler rules in mind, introduce us to your characters and your (mis)adventures.

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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Sat Sep 25, 2010 1:30 am

My characters (obviously details may change depending on how the game plays out, haha):

Liana, Princess:
The MC of my game. After growing up and hearing all the stories of the past about the guild Labeira (my previous guild from the first and second game) and having a mysterious dream (as based on the game's intro) she decides to head out to Armoroad, leaving her kingdom behind, and try her own luck at putting together a guild and taking on the labyrinth!

Francis, Buccaneer:
Brother to Liana. Though, despite being a prince he's a bit of a renegade and has cast aside his royalty. Has also been raised on the ancient stories. When he hears what his sister is up to and her dream, he joins her with his ship Etria. Obviously he didn't join until after she had completed the first mission.

Mia, Monk:
Recruited by Liana. She's a little down on her luck and was cast out of her cloister. She's very stubborn and isn't exactly attentive to her studies. However she desires more than anything to make a name for herself. She has a lot of potential... if she just puts it to good use.

Rin, Hoplite:
Liana's bodyguard back at home, though she is a very new recruit. The labyrinth is taking her completely by surprise and unfortunately her charge far surpasses her. So until the day she can take her proper place in the frontlines and protect Liana (and everyone else), she will learn very carefully. Mia is the person in charge of the map, but Rin finds that she is frequently having to double check the map's accuracy (there have been several errors already). Somehow lately she finds herself more and more taking charge of Mia and trying to point her in the right direction.

Kutheric, Arbalist:
Insane. Mia mouths off to the man frequently - this is how they even met. They bumped into each other and Mia shouted at him. Fortunately he seemed to enjoy her attitude (he scares Liana). When Mia and Rin get into an argument he is the one who tries to cool Rin's head and stick up for Mia - even if his logic is often incomprehensible. Enjoys nothing more than a loud bang - which makes Mia almost jump out of her skin.

San, Zodiac:
Parted ways after Francis joined. Francis and he got into some sort of heavy argument. :( Farewell San... Though seriously, if he's ever needed I'm sure he and Francis will find a way to reconcile their differences.

Tanis, Farmer:
Honestly he hates the labyrinth. Dislikes entering it with a passion. However he loves the herbs that can be gathered. Waits until a proper path has been cleared and goes in to search with the others for the items that they can sell and use. Francis and Kutheric keep trying to convince him to buy some new and better equipment and to protect himself but he has a secret fear that they will decide to bring him along with them if he should do that. Mia is getting rather pissy with him, though, everytime she has to resurrect him. Mia: "BUY SOME GEAR, DAMMIT!!" Fears Kutheric and his explosives, so whenever he joins Kutheric is the one left behind.

:3 WHEEEEE~ And this is my team at the moment and their stories so far based on the game thus far and my plans for them (Hoplite and Princess will be switched after subclassing, for example).

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Postby zamisk » Sat Sep 25, 2010 2:29 am

Love it, and i'll do mine when I sit down at my desktop later...

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Postby SirthOsiris » Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:42 am

To keep it small.

More later, upon unlocking more classes.
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Postby Gasaraki » Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:45 am

I haven't yet thought up backstories for everyone yet, but that's what I do during my work hours lol.

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Postby Optional Boss » Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:12 am

Book Completion: 66%

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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:29 am

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Postby Optional Boss » Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:31 am

Book Completion: 66%

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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:33 am

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Postby eharper256 » Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:31 am

Keep in mind I probably won't be able to get it for a while (imports and all that) so it may be tweaked, as the story is based on what I understood from the Japanese version.

<please be prepared for Xboxhueg post> :twisted:

One day, Prince James, inquisitive, honorable and just heir to the throne of Lectrom, received a strange prophecy about an ancient city from his countries newly appointed wise-woman, Len Kassul. It spoke of treasures lying deep under the sea, and how the one to grasp hold of that potential shall forever rule in prosperity, with the power to heed all men and women and right all wrongs.

Naturally, given his position, it seemed a tempting offer to send a troop on an expedition, though the royal cartographers spoke about how it would require a long and tiring journey from the continent to the wild and uncharted South Seas, where the main jewel of civilization was the bustling port of Armoroad.

Of course, members of the court scoffed at the idea. It would be a waste of precious resources on the visions of a prophet as of yet unproven (and in any case, the nobles usually didn't like wise-women). Whats more, war was looming with the neighboring land of Starke. The Prince argued for some time, but eventually had to cede to their wishes after a border conflict forced him to the front line.

But, a year later, the winds of conflict had blown themselves out, never really building to anything significant, and many of the nobles came down with a mysterious sickness. Suddenly, Prince James had a dream about the prophecy once more, and its existance, once forgotten, re-emerged; and the hypocritical nobles were suddenly all for the idea.

"Maybe it can save us!" they said. Though James frowned on their motivations, he prepared to finally lead the expedition he had wanted to lead before. His father, King Hector, also approved his rapid departure, in case the sickness killed off his entire line, so James left with haste, only with a handful of retainers in tow.

What will he find, in the southern city of mysteries?


Party 1

Prince James Rahlever of Lectrom
"Prosperity is a concept most sought after. It is rarely understood that it lies all around us."
Heir to the throne of Lectrom, he received a strange prophecy about an ancient city. As his country was undergoing a strange malady, he took an expedition to find the truth, but he personally was always interested in the trip, due to a personal interest in technology and archaeology. He's inquisitive, honorable, and just.

Ser Duran Fides
"Duty is as duty does. What really matters is to whom your duty applies."
An old friend of the Prince, whom had a lifelong aspiration to be knighted, which he recently achieved with merit, being elevated to being a Knight of the Chalice, master fighters that aid the Prince's Royal Guard, a duty he takes very seriously. Has a tactical mind and is a great swordsman, but is surprisingly honest, and has a secret crush on his superior, Leanne.

Ser Leanne Rochxe
"... You shall not stand in the glory of my liege whilst I breath"
The beautiful, calm and collected Knight-Captain of Lectrom's Royal Guard, and the eldest daughter of Random Rochxe, she found her calling in spear arts rather than bows, and became a great knight at a young age. Though a prodigy, she has some troubles with social interaction. Accompanies Prince James on his trip, feeling she can learn about the world and protect her liege at the same time.

Ellis Reed
"And if you turn left here, you can find delicious celery!"
A cute farmgirl with a lovely singing voice, she has an intimate knowledge of the upper levels of the labyrinth, as she commonly goes to forage there. She is scouted out by James upon his arrival to the Port of Armoroad for that knowledge, and happily accepts the chance to be near a royal. Happy-go-lucky, but reliable.

Guy the Lad
"Fancy calming me ocean, luv?"
Wanted in three ports along the continent, he decided to come to the south seas and lie low for a time, but somehow finds himself in the guild after a failed bet against the Prince, who showed Guy he was more savvy than he first appeared to a potential swindle. A remarkable dual-wielder, and great at the rudder of both ships and ladies (!).

Party 2

Lady Len Kassul
"It appears the stars are in an appropriate align~ OH! Is that a lamb kebab!?"
{Zodiac (F)}
Eldest daughter of Shannon Kassul, a famous swordmage, and Luize Lacrima, the previous wise-woman of Lectrom, she recently inheritedly the duty of celestial observation from her mother, and was instantly gifted with the prophecy that led to the expedition. Has a quiet introspective personality... except when it comes to delicious meat; she seems to have a transdimensional stomach for food. Master of Cold and Electricity. Came along to confirm her findings (and, of course, to eat roasted Yamineko).

Brand Kassul
"Do you know what you get if you cross a fish with a frog? You don't? Me neither, but I want to try!"
{Zodiac (M)}
Len's younger twin brother, and also proginy of Shannon and Luize, he was obviously never going to inherit the prophets position, but was trained in the arts anyway, often because it was easier for Luize to have them both in the same room. Is an errant perfectionist and loves odd experiments, which creep alot of people out. Also a bit of an insomniac, but has his sweet moments from time to time. A master of Coldfire.

Lee Chun Ze
"Discipline is the key to understanding life. The fist is the centre of all things."
The son of the great sensei; Chow Chun Ze, and the heir to the Long-Feng martial arts tradition, he is especially adept at hand to hand combat; and is sometimes called the 'Ningentora' (Human Tiger). He is wise and calm and stoic, but is a little vain.

Briggit Ulir
"Nothing stops my bullet. Even the waves part for its roar."
A long retired pirate, once legendary for her amazing aim with guns and bows, she has picked up her hat again after recently being widowed, and then being requested to captain the Lectrom ship heading to Armoroad. Planned to head back afterwards, but fortuitously came across her son Akuto in his travels, which had brought him to the same place. Decides to accompany him when he chooses to join the guild. Sultry and Stong willed.

Myscha Grey
"I appear to have lost my shirt again..."
A rare female fighter, she trained in a fast moving style using blunt weapons, and discovered that she was a combat prodigy. Sadly, she is rather dense in other matters, rarely taking care of her appearance, and frequently managing to lose her clothes for some unknown reason. Despite her airheadedness, she has a 52/0 win record at the Armoroad arena, and was promptly hired by the Prince as combat support.

Party 3

Princess Klaryn Deidre Irene Pentigriffin
{White Clad Princess}
A hyper, super-tsudere girl, she gets nicknamed the 'Shirobakahime' (stupid white princess). She is convinced that she must marry James of Lectrom at all costs, and has continually caused headaches for him ever since they were introduced as children. Hearing of his quest, she grabs Largo and a few retainers, and chases him to the isle. Natural rival to Althea, the two clash repeatedly in perceived rivalries for his heart, earning their nicknames.

Ser Largo Potter
"Yes... princess... I'm quite sure... (sigh)..."
Long suffering middle aged knight, a veteran of several conflicts, he is a trusted vassal of the Pentigriffin royal family. He was given the great honour (aka. dubious duty) of protecting the ever impossible Princess Klaryn. Tries to keep her in line, but usually fails. Stoic, with a love of vegetables.

Random Roxche
"Leanne! Arle! This shot is for you!"
{Arbalist (M)}
Legendary archer, now retired, it is said that his bolts were blessed by the goddess of love, as back in his youth he made hundreds of girls swoon. These days, he is content to follow his two daughters into battle; and appreciates a second chance at a real adventure. He often fails to realise that lugging a Ballista around as a combat weapon is actually not normal.

Arle Roxche
"Dad, can you give me another 500G? I need a gyroscope and rapid reload clip."
{Arbalist (F)}
Younger daughter of Random Roxche, unlike her elder sister Leanne, she followed her fathers footsteps in developing absurd strength and the ability to rapidly aim, maintain, and reload what is technically a siege weapon. Blessed with exceptional vision, and loves to tinker with devices and technology on the side, always trying to make a new upgrade for her precious 'Cute Abomination'.

Seth Salvador
"The key is keeping the mind a blank slate."
A prodigy of magical arts, he is actually self-taught, having shown an interest in astrological signs and their meanings since he was young boy. His long, hard training in the basics has made him especially skilled in metamagic and the summoning of matter. Has an adamant, yet wistful personality.

Party 4

Princess Althea Ecaterina Marianne Leah Starke
"And what makes YOU think you have the right to his loins, Klaryn?"
{Black outfit kuudere princess}
A 'holier-than-thou' type ojou-sama girl, her nation of Starke has often had disputes with Lectom. She was sent to court the attentions of Prince James on the hopes of finally establishing a peace treaty marriage between the two great nations. Of course, this leads her to an instant rivalry with Klaryn, and their conflicts over the acquisition of his percieved affections earns her the nickname of 'Kurobakahime' (stupid black princess).

Sheena Mikazuchi
"... target has been dealt with"
{Ninja (F)}
Young head of the Mikazuchi clan, she was assigned as a guardian for Althea (Starke uses alot of Ninja as its troops), and sees the mission as a chance to train and prove herself a worthy inheritor of her title. Is especially adept with a Ninjato in hand, preferring melee assassination to normal ninja arts. A bit standoffish and dutiful, but quite kind.

Yamoto Ichiban
"Hmm, I never realised how useful a Kunai is for opening bottles..."
{Ninja (M)}
Current (7th generation) head of the Ichiban clan, he is assigned along with Sheena to guard Althea on her journey to the South Seas. The Ichiban clan are well known for their infiltration prowess, which is helped by their mastery of illusion and cloning techniques. Yamoto is a bit of a prodigal mercenary, but has a special taste for fine wines and sake.

Erin Koh
"I'm a powerful Pirate now! Eat this sword! Its delicious!"
Actually the younger sister of Henry Fisher, she thought life as a farmer on the island was a boring waste of time, and ran off to be a pirate. Fortunately, she was considered an amusing diversion by Guy the Lad and trained up rather than getting herself killed. Despite her hasty personality, and carefree attitude, she is supremely agile and dexterous, able to consistantly juggle her rapiers. Decides she's fallen in love with Guy, but it is unlikely she understands her true feelings at her age.

Jason Foster
"Say precious, how you doin?"
A fighter from the continent, he has extensively trained his muscles up to a shine for the sole purpose of wooing ladies. Really loves the promiscuous life of more booze and even more girls, but not bad with a heavy blade. Declares his undying loyalty to the beauty of Althea Starke on sight (which he considers an '11' on his personal 1-10 scale of girls), and follows her around as a protector. Will he ever truly settle down?
Party 5

Serra Ector
"I am a legend! No really! Stop looking like that!"
An orphan girl with a spunky, no-nonsense attitude, she is convinced that she is the lost daughter of some ancient royal line, and pesters the Prince (and eventually, the Princesses) for retainership. Brought along for her supreme balance in the monk arts, in which she has equal skills in both fisticuffs and chakra manipulation.

"Come, Baldr, we shall evaluate the spirit of these people."
{Wildling (F)}
A jungle queen. She is a progressive female warrior whom believes it would be best to open trade with the rest of the world via the port of Armaroad. She is tough, but kind, especially to children and cats, both of which she seems to share a special bond with. Decides to join the expedition into the labyrinth to study the cultures and language of the other members.

"...... naturally..."
{Wilding (M)}
A strong warrior from the jungle, he is sent with Aruru on her mission. The mask he wears is a symbol of great prowess and pride among his people. He is the serious kind, often seemingly preferring the company of animals to people. At home, had a pet elephant called Nolly.

Akuto Ulir
"Now, if I can prove myself to them..."
The son of the famous pirate, Brigit Ulir, it is perhaps ironic that he ended up training to become a Ninja. He has recently graduated from Ninja Academy, and is looking to improve his skills. By fortune, he come across his mother again, as well as Princess Althea, a most likely employer, and so stays with the party. Perhaps due to his background, he specialises in acrobatics and marksmanship. A little shy, but determined.

"Is that wise, mistress Aruru?"
A mysterious girl with amnesia, she was found washed on the shore of the island by Aruru, remembering only her first name, and the fact that she was a powerful reader of the stars. Since that time, she has faithfully served the jungle queen as an advisor and mage. Has no particular elemental affinity, but is skilled with manipulating the void. Has a lovely soft voice, but its hard to notice, as her demenour is quite powerful and commanding.


Party 6

Ser Kureha Rakie
"Look more closely. The leaf has fallen here. They were here. We should turn back."
A girl from a long line of monster hunters, she is a mercenary knight of the highest caliber, specialising in hunting and tracking techniques, and analysing and avoiding monsters patrols. Equally skilled with sword and spear. Hired by the Prince for the duty of protecting his financial income via foraging in the dungeon.

Remmie Nadla
"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but my name can always heal you."
A woman of considerable intelligence, she has extensive herbal and medicinal knowledge, and also trained in Chakra manipulation to aid in her ability to become a superior healer. Useless at fisticuffs, however, and usually uses a mace. Often goes with the forage team to allow them to identify good quality plants of value, and at base acts as the master guild healer. A bit prideful in her abilities, but is still a kind altruist.

Arthur Stanton
"The ground here is weeping. It is not good for us to set camp here."
{Blonde Farmer guy}
A childhood friend of Ellis; he has a pretty serious crush on her, and immediately offers his skills with foraging to the team upon learning that she was present, hoping to find more ways to get close to her. Can be a bit naive, but is rather gentle and is exceptional at what he does, with a perfect understanding of soil and footing.

Nora Stanton
"Brother, it is not healthy to talk to your sheep. Let me cook him!"
{Farmer girl with hat}
Arthurs younger sister, she is in charge of the animals, and is quite skilled at apparently using her soothing voice to talk to them. Is a bit of a tomboy, but is a fabulous chef, and as a result is worryingly adept with her meat cleaver. Often has her head in the clouds.

Henry Fisher
"I don't really want to fight, but I feel the need to watch over Erin and my friends."
{Famer with black sheep}
Cousin of Nora and Arthur, he joins to help them with their gathering and foraging work, and is surprised to also come across his sister whom had run away from home. He's dutiful and composed, and his father considers him to be a good luck charm to their household, though neither understand this is due to his latent magical talents.

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Postby Pureauthor » Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:01 am

Guild Paragon
Profiles for my guild, because I have nothing better to do.


"A mere five hundred En for travel expenses? Has my father lost his wits?!"

Alexis reined in a sigh. "Your Majesty, the entire point of this expedition was to prove that you could stand on your own two feet. As it is, five hundred is more than sufficient for our needs."

The prince sighed dramatically and the next leg of the journey was carried on in silence until the crest of the next hill was traversed, and they were now staring at a collection of buildings and roads.

"So that's Armoroad," Jules said softly, almost to himself.

"Please try to remember that your actions here reflect on not only your family name, but the entirety of the Empire," Alexis said softly.

There was a brief chuckle. "Not to worry, Alexis, I'm sure your incessant nagging has thoroughly drilled it into my head by now."

Lord and retainer shared the briefest of smiles. And then, on an unspoken signal, the two stepped forward towards Armoroad.


Jules Vernessus Maximillian the Fourteenth
Male Prince
Age: 20

Hit: Exotic Dishes
Miss: Scratchy Clothing

"No, I didn't bring along an 'Arad Knee Thread', whatever that is. Why do you ask?"

A longstanding tradition of the sons of the Maximillian Empire was that at their Coming Of Age, they were to proclaim a vow before the Goddess and make good on that boast. A minor prince of the bloodline, Jules was no exception. Owing to the consumption of a rather unhealthy amount of alcohol the night before the ceremony, Jules' next clear memory was of servants helping to pack his things and set out for Armoroad. He was understandably rather dismayed, but perked up considerably when Alexis pointed out that Armoroad was famed for its wide variety of exotic seafood dishes.

Attempts to project a regal air, but his rather embarrassing ignorance of relatively mundane matters tends to leave him with egg on his face more often than not. Not too proud to realize that he is less experienced than many of the people he hires, he prefers to stay in the back row and focus on rejuvenating his allies.


Alexis Wulfenbach, Knight of the Golden Eye
Blonde Female Hoplite
Age: 20

Hit: Armour Polishing, Jules
Miss: Rust, being mistaken for a boy

"No, your Majesty, I do not believe that mushroom to be edible. Please put it down."

Prince Jules' childhood friend, confidante, trainer and bodyguard in equal measure, she has served him and the Maximillian family faithfully for as far back as she can remember. When Jules inadvertently swore to conquer the Yggdrasil Labyrinth, the Emperor personally requested Alexis to accompany the Prince to aid him in his trials. (Unspoken was the tacit understanding that he wouldn't last a week without her.)

Alexis also finds herself rather attracted towards the Prince, although her station prevents her from making her feelings known.

Mindful of value of balance in all matters, Alexis is continuously studying both the spear and the shield to maximise her effectiveness in combat. Her study into the cartographical arts also means that she's stuck with drawing the maps.


Geoffrey von Paulus
Aged Male Monk
Age: 56

Hit: Bodybuilding
Miss: Unnecessary violence

"How hard you kick and punch is all in the mind."

Having practiced the fine art of focusing his Qi for a lifetime, Geoffrey has mastered the techniques of manipulating Qi for healing and aiding others, and has taken on an apprentice. Unfortunately and much to his dismay, said apprentice apparently prefers the more physical aspects of the ascetic path instead of the healing and gentler properties.

He has journeyed to Armoroad along with his apprentice to join a Guild and hopefully let her see the value of teamwork and supporting one's comrades. Spends an inordinate amount of time in the Butterfly Bistro, much to his apprentice's chagrin.


Adrian Sanders
Red-haired Female Monk
Age: 16

Hit: Folk songs
Miss: Alcohol

"Never met a beast whose lights I couldn't punch out."

Geoffrey's apprentice since young. While her master has devoted himself to mastery of the Arts of Healing and Rejuvenation, Adrian herself has taken an inclination to the Art of Punching Things Really Hard. Despite their apparent disagreement on how one should use the energy of their bodies, the two remain close, and when her Master requested she join her on their expedition to Armoroad, she readily agreed. Part of her enthusiasm has to do with the prospect of meeting 'cute, tough guys', seeing as she appears to value both attributes in equal measures.

Where's a wooden amulet on a necklace under her clothing, and is reluctant to talk about it beyond claiming that it is a keepsake.


John Rook
Young Male Buccaneer
Age: 18

Hit: Sea shanties
Miss: Eyepatches

"No, I don't draw out my 'R's. And I find the suggestion that I should rather baffling."

A former privateer, Rook has decided that he'd prefer to earn his coin in a slightly more legal profession and has taken up the mantle of adventuring. Owns the 'St. Eris' which he lets the rest of the Paragon Guild use whenever the feel an inclination to head out to sea for a bit. Feels most comfortable when wielding a rapier, and his nimble footwork allows him to follow up ally attacks with his own.

Has taken up a friendly rivalry with Midori, and has a secret crush on her.


Midori Ayasatoi
Young Female Ninja
Age: 17

Hit: Kitsune masks
Miss: Insects

"I'll name this one 'Fluffykins Cuddlypoops'."

Found unconscious in a back alley of Armoroad, Midori has relatively little memory of her past, but her body has apparently not forgotten her skills at stealth or combat. Hidden memories of some terrible secret of the Labyrinth has led her to seek out work at the Guilds in the hopes of discovering more about her past.

Is also in love with fox masks and her room at the inn is stuffed to overflowing with them. She also names each of them, to her Guildmate's minor discomfort.

Has a friendly rivalry with Rook, and a secret crush on him.


Blonde Male Farmer
Age: 15

Hit: Naps
Miss: Work

"*yawn* Huh, whassat? We leavin' 'ready?"

A young and lazy farmer, he joined the Paragon Guild with the understanding that his primary task was to help them gather resources.

He later found out his secondary task was to help them fight monsters, and is now frantically poring over his contract, looking for an escape clause.


Dark-haired Gladiator
Age: 25

Hit: Arm Wrestling
Miss: 'Softness'

"Heh... cute. I can take you all!"

Left homeless and destitute after a war rolled over her sleepy home village, the young woman was eventually captured by the victorious invaders. Eventually they decided that they would have her fight for their amusement and sent her into the gladiator's ring.

Luck and skill was with her, and a quick string of unbroken victories made her a fan favourite - and her owner's prized slave. One night, she seized an opportunity caused by an errant fire in the estate and fled, eluding her pursuers as far as Armoroad, where she joined the Paragon Guild under the assumed name of 'Clay' to elude her pursuers. She has thus far refused to reveal her true name to anyone.

Fights most comfortably with a club to smash through the enemy. General antipathy for authority makes her not get along with Jules, and she sees Alexis as a rival, although the Hoplite remains entirely unaware of such things.


Alice 'Sidney' Marguerite
Young Female Arbalist
Age: 19

Hit: The Butterfly Bistro's Quencher Special
Miss: Fancy dresses

"Ain't nothing gonna survive a four foot arrow through the craw!"

A native of Armoroad, and daughter of one of the more prominent merchant houses (for what that was worth after the Calamity had wrecked their shipping lanes a hundred years ago), Alice had always entertained dreams of helping to restore Armoroad to its former glory. However, her temperament and lack of talent at niceties and negotiation meant she was unlikely to be able to do a good job in taking over her father's financial empire when it was time for the reins to be passed down.

And so she settled for the next best thing - venturing into the Labyrinth, finding out the secrets of the past, and hopefully amassing enough loot to help with the restoration of Armoroad. Quickly became fast friends with Adrian upon joining the Paragon Guild.


Melina Koolhaas
Brunette Female Farmer
Age: 15

Hit: Mushrooms
Miss: Dark, damp places

"Hoo, this trek... is more draining than I thought! ... I'm perfectly fine though, don't worry about me."

The daughter of two great adventurers, Melina had always longed to follow in her parent's footsteps, but lacked the endurance and skill to become a full-fledged warrior in her own right. When the Paragon offered her a spot in the Guild, she quickly joined up, vowing to improve herself as much as possible so she could become a great explorer herself.

Until then, her constant study of the Labyrinth has given her invaluable insight into the nature of the flora in the area, not to mention she knows how to harvest its plentiful resources, so she's still useful to the Guild.

Is irritated by Pure's lackadaisical attitude towards work, and is constantly pushing her fellow Farmer to help out with the Guild's duties more.


Sar'Vok Atahualpa
Older Male Wildling
Age: 32

Hit: Roughing it
Miss: Being indoors


The former Tun'Ga of an island tribe to the East, Atahualpa has handed the mantle of Leadership over to his eldest son and set off for greater challenges. Eventually, he heard tales of the wondrous and unconquered Labyrinth, and has journeyed to Armoroad to test the forest and prove his strength.

Unused to the local tongues, he rarely speaks save for acknowledging requests and commands. Midori, feeling similarly displaced, has taken to spending more time with him. (She's also trying to get him to learn how to summon foxes, with little success so far.)


Asmodeus Frei Varn
Young Male Zodiac
Age: 24

Hit: Quiet and solitude
Miss: Socializing

"Hmm... intriguing. Our chances of survival refuse to go any higher no matter our actions."

A student at the Great Library of Sovelude, Asmodeus was commissioned by his teacher to venture to the Labyrinth and to attempt to gather what knowledge he could for the sake of Library. Considering it largely a fool's game, he nonetheless fufills his duties to the best of his ability.

When not called to go Labyrinth hunting, he is usually found by the port, head buried in one tome or another. Has no real friends in the Guild, but no real enemies either.

An Ice specialist.


Jared Rayleigh
Red-haired Buccaneer
Age: 31

Hit: Relena, a good tussle
Miss: Vegetables

"Arrrrrrr, shiver me timbers, we'll keelhau all ye scurvy dogs and make ye walk the plank! AR HAR HAR HAR!"

Operating around the trade city of Batavia, Jared's ship, 'The Black, One-Eyed Mangy Mutt' served as an unofficial patrol that kept pirates out of the city's waters. After the St. Eris cleared a route there and helped blow up the Pirates operating in the area with their newly acquired Cannon, Jared decided to dock his ship up and join the Guild to seek adventure.

Boisterous and loud, he's a crack shot despite having only one eye, and can usually be found by at the Butterfly Bistro quaffing the latest brews. In a stunning display of self-control, he manages not to ogle Missy every time he enters, mostly because Relena would kick him through the ceiling if he did.

Jules was not overly keen on allowing him into the party, but more level-headed than her lord, Alexis realized he had enough skill to be a worthwhile addition.


Relena Rayleigh Mallorn
Older Female Ninja
Age: 32

Hit: Jared, puppies, kittens
Miss: Coffee

"For heaven's sake, Jared, stop making a fool of yourself and get down from the mast before you hurt yourself."

Jared's wife, Relena was of a mixed birth, and largely shunned by her peers and colleagues throughout her childhood. She found her calling when an aged master noted her natural talent and agreed to train her in the way of the Smoke Knights. A promising career in the ranks of Sheba's stealth-based warriors was abruptly cut short by a murder of one of her rivals for the position and the blame falling upon her. With no other choice, Relena fled South, eventually ending up in the trade city of Batavia, where she met Jared. Having no reason to refuse an able warrior, Jared welcomed her on board his ship. Eventually, the two of them got married, and they have one of those kind of relationships. You know, the 'no one says that about my husband but me!' kinds.

Strict and no nonsense, she helped him renovate the 'Mutt' into a truly splendid ship, and when he decided to go spelunking she was right there at his side. Serves as a sort of team mom to those who are young enough to need it.


Rossa Frei Astet
Young Female Zodiac
Age: 13

Hit: Flowers
Miss: Early bedtimes

"Star of Calamity that shines above, Earth of Foundation that rests below... let your power gather and smite my foes! ... Yay! I did it correctly!"

Asmodeus' younger sister and a prodigy in the astrological arts, Rossa fled from her school and studies when she heard about her brother venturing to challenge the Yggdrasil Labyrinth to join up with him. Despite repeated attempts on his part to make her leave, she insists that she can do anything her brother can do, and that she's going to stay to keep him safe.

Asmodeus is rather jealous of her natural talents, seeing as how her power has come to her so easily when he had to struggle for it all his life, but he manages to keep it in check... most of the time.


More to come later once I've created them.
Last edited by Pureauthor on Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Extension/Core.php on line 1266: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable

Postby Isabelyes » Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:17 pm

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Postby Kinokokao » Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:12 pm


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[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Extension/Core.php on line 1266: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable

Postby Isabelyes » Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:20 pm

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[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Extension/Core.php on line 1266: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable

Postby Pureauthor » Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:25 pm

I also uploaded those to my photobucket account to prevent hotlinking issues. And I think you can find the same in the art gallery, but these ones I specifically drew from pixiv.

[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Extension/Core.php on line 1266: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
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