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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:57 pm

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Postby negzee » Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:48 pm

"Kinect" reminds me of the Kin. MS's mobile strategy is a mess....

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Postby scy » Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:17 pm

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Postby scy » Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:01 pm

So anyways, E3.

Call of Duty: Black Ops
[spoiler]It's Call of fucking Duty. Do I have to say anything? It is by Treyarch though and the footage was ... well, Call of Duty. *shrugs*

I'd spend more time on it if anyone here cared. Since most people here abhor FPS games, why bother wasting my time.

Only thing of note is Timed Exclusive launches for Black Ops and on for add-ons for 2010-2012.[/spoiler]

MGS Rising
[spoiler][s]WAR[/s] RAIDEN HAS CHANGED.

Another game that nearly everyone here doesn't care about. Awesome. Why am I doing this again?

Trailer is interesting. In the sense of I'm pretty sure I just saw a Starcraft Marine in it. Before Raiden dices a guy and rips a spine out anyway. Not much to be said I guess outside of the fact it looks like a generic action game now. "Unique" mechanic just seems to be CUTTINGACTIONOMGZ.

I lol'd at the watermelons at the end though.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I gave him a section when he came up. And then he said nothing important. I didn't feel like deleting this. Neat, huh.

Well, only thing "neat" I guess is the "ONLY ON 360" for everything shown today.[/spoiler]

Leads right into Cliff "I'MSOAWESOME" Bleszinski
[spoiler]Gears of War 3, for those who have no idea who that is.

GeoW3 gameplay looking like ... well, GeoW gameplay. Neat, huh?

Another game that fall on deaf ears here so I'm just going to watch and enjoy and not care about saying much unless someone else asks later, I suppose.

I will note that I lol'd at the addition of a female character (or two?) and that being a big enough deal for Cliffy B to mention it before starting up the game.

Footage is pretty much just more Gears though. If you liked them before, it's more Gears fun. Mm, co-op fun in the future. Something to look forward to.

Oh, new Game Mode (Beast). No info on it though :([/spoiler]

Peter "Promising The World Again?" Molyneux (Fable III)
[spoiler]Since nothing he says will actually make it into the game, why write anything? :)

Anyway, goes right into the trailer after speaking up the game's features for like 5 minutes. Like usual.

As for the trailer, looks like ... well, more Fable. Grander scope, smoother combat possibly but ... it's just a trailer. Not much to glean from that, y'know? Plus it's fucking Molyneux.[/spoiler]

Introducing new Microsoft partner: Crytek
[spoiler]For the few who have no idea who that is, I cried a little bit.

Their little teaser video showed nothing outside of "Codename: Kingdoms" as the title and looks to be Roman-era.[/spoiler]

Halo: Reach
[spoiler]Neat, another game people here won't care about so even more me not wasting time writing and just enjoying. It's glorious.

Considering I lived with a guy who worked for Bungie / I also played the Halo Reach beta, I have nothing to say to the gameplay footage really. It's Halo. I've seen the gameplay first-hand, though what they're showing is at least story stuff.

For anyone actually reading these, I honestly do have things to say it's just hard to write about things I know nearly everyone on this forum doesn't give a shit about. So ... yeah.[/spoiler]

@Marc Whitten ... who introduces stuff for Kinect. Fuck, now I may have to write things.
[spoiler]First off, lolz at him needing a new mic.

Anyway, [s]Natal[/s]Kinect "no barriers, no learning curves" demo time? C'mon, do something instead of talking. Anyway, name change seems to indicate their move towards connecting users to each other and connecting everything in our living rooms.

Anyway, Kinect demo.

Sign in process: Waving. Likewise, waving goes to the Kinect hub. Neat, demos the voice activation ... which is just voice activation so not sure what to say here besides "Hey, it listened and worked!"

Anyway, seems to be more focused on the "other" features; demos some movie playback through Zune and controlling it with his hands (and then voice). It's neat, sure. I will say I find it weird with the "Xbox, Pause. Xbox, Play." Kind of seems a little "awkward" to be saying Xbox every time. It's still neat but honestly, nothing "HUGE."

"Entertainment, controller free." Under that scope, it seems to work perfectly.

Anyway, moving on ... Xbox Live to the Windows phone. Wait, what.

That was brief. Back to Kinect and video chat. Oh fuck, chat roulette Xbox 360 now. Also, lolz at them getting a hot chick to demo the video chat feature. Anyway, syncs with Windows Live Messenger and demos with a ... video chat with her sister and demos watching a video "together." Cheesy scripted dialogue :(

Alright, demos that Kinect autotracks your movement so it can keep you in-focus without anything done on your end. Not bad, I suppose. Ah damn, she's done? Man, now I need to watch some guy again T.T

"Living room more social than ever before." Oh god, ESPN partnership with the 360. Fuck, now I may need this since I don't have a sports package for my current living arrangement. Oh, look, exaggerated game playing. ESPN on 360 isn't bad at all and depending on the pricing, I'm going to be using the fuck out of this for some on-demand games.

More controller free examples. It's actually kind of interesting to see but it's definitely something I want to try first to see how the camera motion works. The voice stuff is ... neat but man, "Xbox, DO THIS" seems like it'll get old eventually.

I really hope this means I can at least see some A&M games that don't get aired on TV. Especially if we end up in the SEC...


Fucking ...




Alright, that's awesome.[/spoiler]

Kinect - Gaming (11/4/2010)
[spoiler]Who the fuck is this guy.

"With no controller to learn, anyone can jump in and play."

Oh great, he said revolutionary. I'm pretty sure this means I take a drink.

"The time for talk is over. Let me introduce you to 6 Kinect launch games."

Game 1: They ... bring out a little girl. Kinectimals. Oh god. It's Nintendogs with [s]Natal[/s]Kinect. Fucking-a. It'll sell billions, won't it. Anyway, she demos some voice directions (jump, play dead, "get your toy") and some things with the camera (petting the animal, going off-screen and how the animal reacts). She acts out some of the commands (Jump and she jumps too, for instance) so not sure if both are necessary. If you saw the Milo demo, it's just more of that just now with an animal. I guess they read all the pedophile comments.

Again, who the fuck is this guy. Anyway, 40 animals and "over 30" activities.

Game 2: A sports title aptly named Kinect Sports. They really used their brains for naming these. The guy demoing it has an awesome fucking accent. Start of the demo ... is just him reacting with an audience. Kind of odd considering the sports title.

Anyway, the first actual game they demo is uh ... track running, by the look of things (+ hurdles). He brings out some cute Asian chick to run with him. You can tell where my interest is. I like to note that the game doesn't work when they first try to run it.

Video demo afterwards to show the games: Soccer, Bowling, Track & Field, Ping Pong, Boxing, Volleyball. A little ambiguous if that's all of them.

Game 3: "Redefine the Kart Racing genre" with Kinect Joy Ride. That's another drinking game buzz word so yay!

This would be a lot easier to watch without the cheesy lines, y'know? Anyway, the demo is just your average racing game really. If you played Mario Kart with that god awful wheel, you'll know what it's like here really.

5 Unique Game modes, including Stunt Mode.

Game 4: Kinect Adventures. "Designed to get your group up and off the couch." A full body game and OH YES THE AWESOME ACCENT GUY IS BACK. Gameplay is some moving the body to "grab" icons on the screen (shown as a line of them or later as ones that require a full body) and dodging things on the screen. Game takes pictures as you play of you playing apparently so you can see how stupid you look jumping around~

More chicks to demo another game. River rafting kind of thing. Movement to direct the raft they're in and jumping I guess to make the raft jump? Seems a bit weird but whatever. It's kind of silly to watch but I can imagine some drunk shenanigans. I didn't hear any other buzz words but I drank anyway.

Oh, wait, nevermind. You can upload them directly to Facebook and other social networking so that is a buzz word. Cheers!

Game 5: Ubisoft's turn. Fucking A. Okay, just a video demo seems to be something in the vein of WiiFit kind of thing. It's a very exaggerated video though but it's just some workout thing with Kinect. "Your Shape - Fitness Evolved"

Alright, maybe not just a video. Ubisoft out to demo the "game" itself. "Come on in to your own personal gym" the game starts with. The game has been designed to "fit you." Starts with a scan of your body that gets your heigh, arm length, hips, shoulder span, etc. to get some fitness routines _and menu placement_ to match your body. Brings out Michael George (Fitness Trainer) to do some demoing for the game. He's an actual trainer if you're unaware of his name so ... Google it if you care, I guess. He's "one of many" that worked on the game.

She demos a workout that shows what it's supposed to be like and what her movements are; even rates how close to what it should be. For the second set, shows her out of sync with the trainer and the screen displays quite nicely that she's doing it wrong. Third excercise up is some "combat training" as the trainer says but it's just some punching/kicking in certain directions to hit on-screen blocks. Ends with a cooldown "Zen class."

Anyway, it's a video workout program and it rates how close you actually are to the on-screen instructions. Depending on how much "content" there is, I can see this as a pretty good workout utility. I have my own I use (P90, Insanity right now) but it's not bad to have something that shows your movements on screen compared to the instructor for fixing any mistakes. Would I use it? Hm, possible. Buy it? Dunno.

Game 6: Harmonix. Dance Central. Oh god. Okay, some chick dancing. Think DDR but"dance moves" are what it's looking for, not buttons stepped on. Uh ... I'm not sure what to say, to be honest.

"All about real, immersive, full-body dancing." I'll take your word on that, I guess. "Compelling and authentic choreography ... over 600 moves and 90 routines."

...oh wow, they bring out the nerdiest looking guy they could've to demo the "break it down [learning]" mode. Well, not really demo it so much as show it and then show some some other dancing. Proof, that he got better thanks to the game, I guess.

Game 7: I had to step away so I missed a lot of this. Lucas Arts with Microsoft for a Star Wars Kinect game. It's not one of the launch titles so I guess this is just a proof of concept video demo. ANyway, just demos some basic combat with Stormtroopers and then ends with Vader showing up. "Coming, 2011."

Game 8: Forza. Oh god, a topic even I don't care about. Uh ... it looks better than the Kart Racing game if nothing else, I suppose. I don't like Forza so I'm not sure what to say here. Oh god, more buzzwords about "experiences that couldn't be delivered until now."

Video of Forza's ridiculous graphics. Anyway, demo some "walking around" a car and zooming in and looking at the car. It's uh ... I guess someone who loves the fuck out of cars is getting a massive hard-on right now. Their whole walking around and viewing the car is showing it from all angles and showing the technical specs of the car (an awesome Ferrari, for the record). "Coming, 2011."[/spoiler]

Don Mattrick is back. Yay?! 10th Year of Xbox so ...
[spoiler]The new Xbox 360. "Completely redesigned for the future of entertainment."

250 GB HD
Built-in Wifi (802.11N)
Ready for Kinect
Sleek Black
"Here Today, Ready for Tomorrow."

Smaller, quieter, sleeker ... same price as current 360. $299 price tag. The new 360 ships to retailers TODAY. How the fuck did they keep this quiet? Available later this week.


FUCK. People at E3 at the conference got one for free :( Man, I should've found a way to E3 this year.[/spoiler]

Edit: Some New 360 factoids, I suppose:
Arcade discounted to $149, current 360 Elites down to $249, and the new one is again $299. HDMI Out, Digital Out, and Kinect requires "no existing power support" which the current 360s will require using (comes included). The 250 GB HD doesn't look to be anything propietary and is pretty easy to find and remove. Neat.

No Kinect pricing announced still.

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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:00 pm

Actually, Scy, could I request some Halo Reach details.

As embarrassing as it is to say, my dad is a FUCK-HUGE fan of Halo... and he likes playing with the rest of us. He will play through the story as co-op (usually with me) and then we like to sit around in multiplayer and try to kill each other as many times as we possibly can. It's actually a lot of fun. I wouldn't purchase Halo for myself EVER but it's something that's come to mean something with my dad. So, *sigh* I'm one of those lames ones. Uhh, we don't give a shit about the online or multiple xbox bullshit. So don't bother with that.

So, we're at two drinks Scy? ^_^ Could be worse. I was expecting more damage than that when I started reading. I'm sure Nintendo and Sony though will destroy us.

Thanks for ranting your way through it Scy. Sounds like I missed a fuck lot of absolute nothing. So, I have work scheduled off for tomorrow. I plan on being on IM so ^_^ we'll be watching together again like last year.

Seriously, though: the more I hear about Kinect, the less I'm liking it so far. :( It's not what I was hoping but... who knows? Give it time. They are just in charge of the technology. Now its time for the game developers to wow us. ... except that it's an Xbox product.... Meh... *sigh*

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Postby scy » Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:29 pm

Actually, I remembered half way through that I was supposed to be drinking so I played catch up near the end; I'll eventually look through blog stuff for the first half but I think I owe like a drink+ per section (and like a bottle or so for Molyneux).

[s]Project Natal[/s] [s]Connect 4[/s] Kinect seems ... interesting, I suppose. Mostly just for the novelty of "XBOX, COMMAND" type things but nothing major. Gaming wise, it'll probably take awhile before anything shows up that's remotely close to decent.

[spoiler]obligatory Wii riff here[/spoiler]

Honestly, the only thing that made me sit up was the free (if you have Gold) ESPN thing and the new 360. I may give my current one to my sister and buy a new 360.

As for Halo Reach, not much was actually shown. It was really just a gameplay demo video (which can be seen ) and no real speech about the game itself. The release date itself hasn't changed (9/14/2010) and I really think that was pretty much everything covered for the Halo E3 bit.

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Postby ZetaBladeX13 » Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:46 am

More Metal Gear, plox.

And no, I do not care about Halo 3 - part 3: the Prequel or the newest Cock of Duty.

However, please DO inform me when the [s]Jews[/s] people at Activision-Blizzard-Bungie implode on themselves.

Also, any Mechwarrior, Demon's Souls 2, LBP 2, Dead Space 2, Uncharted 3, MvC 3, Jet Set Radio 3, Megaman Legends/Rockman DASH 3, Megaman ZX 3, Power Stone 3, Doom 4, Armored Core 5, Ratchet & Clank 9, and Touhou 13 news would be most appreciated.

Oh, and for the record, I have very low expectations for Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo. You know, so I don't dissapoint myself - or something.

Really looking forward to seeing lots and lots of new IPs, though.

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Postby Twat » Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:01 pm

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Postby scy » Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:56 pm

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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Tue Jun 15, 2010 2:48 pm

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Postby ZetaBladeX13 » Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:19 pm

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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:49 pm

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Postby scy » Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:20 pm

Missed the start of the Nintendo conference T.T I'm expecting massive disappoint.

[spoiler]Barring the new Zelda, I suppose, but that was expected and "known." I came in _after_ this was shown so I unfortunately don't know how it looked T.T I'll get the trailers/gameplay when I can.

At least there was some Golden Sunz (GS: Dark Dawn). Looks to be cel-shaded 3D, turn-based RPG as per usual. "This Holiday" release date. Hey, look at that, they do know how to release shit THIS YEAR.

"Golden ... has an entirely different meaning."


Goldeneye. Oh, wow. Neat. "This November ... remember one thing. Goldeneye." I remember the rumors prior to ... well, today, about this game. Neat. I'm not a big fan of the fact it's a lot of "remember it?" when it's a _new game completely_ but whatever.

Hm ... brings up Mickey Mouse. Um. Alright. "Disney: Epic Mickey ... sets a new tone and new direction for this renowned icon." Alright, I suppose. The way he's describing the game ("Quest zone") makes me think of it as uh ... traditional MMO-type playing. Hub zone, run around pick up quests, etc.

Ugh, lots of buzz words. "Revolutionary" "something never done before" and so on. Unique mechanic is a drawing and erasing mechanic. "Playstyle matters" is how to tackle the game. Which, again, is very much a buzz word so not sure how to take this. Also, I'm going to be trashed by the end of his rambling. Cheers!

Alright, there's three zone types: Quest Zones, Action Zones, and Travel Zones. Travel Zone is where they went to next and is a side-scrolling platformer level by the looks of it. The level demo'd is based off of Steamboat Willie. "We honor Disney's rich creative heritage." God, more buzz words being dropped. I'm running out of booze.

Exclusive interview with Warren Spector at the e3.nintendo.com site. For those who care, I suppose.

Oh? Sakurai comes up and Kirby ... really, hardened gamers Reggie? Really? Kirby hasn't had a starring role in 7 years on a home console (wow, you're right). Why all the yarn references? Anyway, new Kirby Game: Kirby's Epic ... Yarn.


God I hate you Nintendo.

Gameplay demo shows a fabric-like world and Kirby ... uh ... using a yarn lasso to get around, pull down the "stitchings" of the background, etc. I haven't actually seen any classic Kirby sucking action ... it's all been using the yarn to grab things to throw. Alright, gameplay demo ended ... with still no Kirby sucking action. I have no idea what to say.

"This Fall" release date.

Dragon Quest IX debut'd less than a year ago. I guess this is the "hey guyz, it's coming here too" uh ... reminder, I guess? Not much to say here, I guess, since it's NOTHING NEW. Unless you know absolutely nothing about DQ IX I suppose.

I crashed during Metroid T.T and came back during the end of the new Donkey Kong game T.T I'll find trailers for this or something.

3DS time. After a long spiel about 3D in the home being terrible and "OMG THE GLASSES." I hate you Reggie. My liver does too.

Anyway, the 3DS looks just like many of the mock-ups based off the circuit board leak awhile back. D-Pad, Analog nub and looks like a regular fucking DS besides the wider (3.5") screen. Alright, the 3DS has a little "3D slider" that lets you choose just "how 3D" the games are. Yeah, that sentence made my head hurt.

"Touch screen and 3D ... don't get along" is Iwata's explanation as to why only the bottom screen is touch screen. You know, like we're used to.

The "analog nub" is a little touch track pad, actually. It's where the D-Pad is currently on the DS and the D-Pad is below it. Also, there's motion and gyrometers with the 3DS and 2 (TWO!!!11!1!) camera lenses. Let's you take pictures in 3D.

Some stuff about movies but I was distracted.

"Project Sora" from way back when finally unveiled? It's a game designed for the 3DS from the start. Kid Icarus. Holy shit, finally. Hey, that's an actual bomb. Kid Icarus: Uprising. Sorry, I was supposed to write something but I got distracted by the video. Gameplay looks like a traditional action game complete with flying-shooting sequences. It's "supposed" to be in 3D so it's hard to say how awesome it looks without actually, you know, playing it and seeing it in 3Dness. There needs to be cool words I can make 3D into but I can't figure it out right now. 3Dosity. 3Dism. 3Dfoshizzle.

I stopped writing since the 3DS was just so gripping and enthralling and ... alright, not really. I like Reggie's segue into what seems like free DS's for everyone (ala the free 360 in Microsoft's) ... but nope, just a bunch of hot models with 3DS's with them. Look, booth babes?![/spoiler]

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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:33 pm


Nothing story wise, just a lot of gameplay. The sword is the wiimote and the nunchuk is the shield. Items revelead: Whip, bug (think of the pelicans in Wind Waker that you could control), bombs, and bow and arrows.

The show was glitched because of signal interference. He couldn't get the bug or bow to work right.

The graphics are TP-styled, but with the familiar gloss and colors of the TWW cell-shading. VERY VERY gorgeous looking, actually. I much approve.

Back to items, there are a set amount of slots, it seems (unless I misunderstood) and there weren't many slots. Not that I'm complaining since TP demonstrated the disaster of having too many items to use.

It did not disappoint. :3

Oh, release date was not mentioned just that it will NOT be out THIS year. 2011.

Also, I just thank god that he learned from his previous E3 Zelda announcement that ENGRISHU SUCKS! He had Bill Trinen translate for him. Made for MUCH smoother understanding.
Last edited by Maxine MagicFox on Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:35 pm

Also, there was a game called Epic Mickey that was shown. I've heard minor rumors but never looked into it (I just think "oh, stealing KH now?") but the game looked very... appealing in its own way. Okami meets KH meets Disney's past kinda thing. You have paint and paint-thinner so you can either create or erase.

It will probably end up being on my want list but I still want to see more before I get excited.

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